exact’s response to coronavirus developments | exact-壹号app下载链接

to our valued customers and partners,

security and reliability are of utmost importance at exact. these values relate not only to our software and the availability of services but also to health and safety of our employees, customers, partners and all communities that we serve.

we are closely monitoring ongoing developments related to coronavirus and the guidance provided by official authorities. given the unpredictable nature of this situation, we have adapted our day-to-day business operations to closely follow the recommendations and advice currently being provided.

continuity of service 

in these challenging times, it is vital that we provide our customers with peace of mind. maintaining the continuity of our services to our customers is at the heart of everything we do. we have developed additional systems and processes that facilitate remote working for all our emea employees. exact employees are currently asked to work from home, and can do so safely and effectively without restriction. we are fully prepared to continue providing assistance and support to you and all our customers. our support portal is also available 24/7 as usual.

customer visits

normally, our preference is to meet customers, prospective customers and partners in person, either at your offices or at an exact location. however, these are not normal times and virtual meetings and working remotely are necessary precautionary measures that will help to ensure everyone’s safety. whenever possible, we will replace these planned activities with virtual on-line events, video conferencing and telephone calls.

in summary, i believe that the measures we are taking will mitigate the spread of the new coronavirus, helping to keep us all safe and your business running.

we thank you for your support and understanding.

phill robinson,

ceo exact
